Embark on a musical journey with Meet Bros, the dynamic Indian musical duo hailing from the heart of Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh. Comprising the talented brothers Manmeet Singh and Harmeet Singh, formerly known as Meet Bros Anjjan, they have etched their mark in the Bollywood music landscape.
Meet Bros' musical prowess extends beyond boundaries, with chart-topping hits like "Baby Doll" from Ragini MMS 2 and "Chittiyaan Kalaiyaan" from Roy, garnering both acclaim and popularity. Transitioning from acting to composing and singing, their journey encompasses composing for films such as Kyaa Super Kool Hain Hum and OMG � Oh My God!
With over two decades of experience in the Bollywood music industry, Meet Bros Studio stands as a powerhouse for creating top chartbusters. Their expertise includes mixing, mastering, and producing music, having collaborated with artists worldwide. For an electrifying musical experience at your corporate event, contact SOS Party at 7973432360. Meet Bros is available for bookings in Delhi, Mumbai, Chandigarh, Noida, Gurugram, Goa, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Pune, Kolkata, and cities across India. Elevate your event with the harmonious tunes of Meet Bros Studio!
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